Working Together To Improve Construction Health & Safety
Working Together To Improve Construction Health & Safety
Marpal offer a Health & Safety Competent Person Scheme, which is designed to provide you with the Health and Safety support and advice you require to allow you to meet your health and safety obligations.
Establishing a safe and healthy workplace is a key priority for all responsible Employers, and is something that affects every business. Complying with the various statutes, regulations and health and safety protocols can be a daunting and time-consuming task. In many cases, organisations are able to manage their health and safety requirements themselves with assistance from dedicated Health and Safety individuals or departments. However, we recognise that for many small to medium sized businesses this is often unrealistic, and therefore they often struggle to meet their statutory responsibilities.
As a business owner or manager, you will probably be able to deal with straight forward health and safety issues, either by yourself or by appointing one or more employees to assist you. Where health and safety issues become more complex or specialised, or you simply don’t have the necessary expertise, then you may need to seek external assistance and advice. This is where Marpal’s Health & Safety Competent Person Scheme can provide the additional competent resource that your organisation may need.
Our goal is to provide you with professional advice, guidance and ongoing support services in order to create a safe working environment and a compliant workplace for your business!
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states that every employer (regardless of their size) shall appoint one or more competent persons to assist in complying with the requirements imposed upon them by health and safety legislation.
A competent person(s) can be someone within your organisation providing they have the required health and safety knowledge, skills and experience. However, if this is not the case, you may need to seek assistance from outside the business.
Our specialism is Property and Construction Health and Safety, which means if you require assistance from Marpal, you are guaranteed a competent service by those who really understand your business.
Having access to sound health and safety advice is an inexpensive and effective means of complying with your obligations!
Request A Quote – Competent Person Scheme