What Is A CDM Construction Phase Plan?
The Construction Phase Plan, also referred to as a CPP, is a document that sets out the health and safety management arrangements for a project and must include specific measures on how the significant risks associated with the project are intended to be managed; this is an explicit requirement under The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
The Plan must be suitably developed prior to the commencement of construction and must be reviewed, updated and revised on a regular basis to remain relevant and reflect the rapidly changing nature of a construction site. For example, when work begins on a greenfield site to construct a building, the risks encountered are very different to those that exist later in the project once the main structure has been constructed.
Who Develops The CDM Construction Phase Plan?
If you are a Contractor managing construction work, under the CDM Regulations you’ll have a statutory duty to develop the CDM Construction Phase Plan. This is the case for every construction project, regardless of the cost, programme, number of contractors or the number of workers on site; a Construction Phase Plan must always be developed prior to the project commencing.
The Regulations specifically state that if a project has one Contractor, then it is the Contractor who develops the Plan, if there happens to be more than one Contractor involved, then it’s always the Principal Contractor who develops the Plan during the pre-construction phase.
What Should Be Contained Within The Construction Phase Plan?
The Plan must detail the arrangements for managing and securing health and safety on the project. The level of detail within the Plan should always be in proportion to the level of risk involved and should take into consideration the existing activities taking place, either on, or adjacent to the site.
If you are developing a Construction Phase Plan, then you should include the following information:
1. Description Of The Project
a. Project description and programme details including any key dates
b. Project directory
c. Existing records
2. Communication & Management Of The Work
a. Management structure and responsibilities
b. Health and safety goals for the project
c. Arrangements for monitoring and review of health and safety performance
d. Arrangements for:
i. Regular liaison between parties on site
ii. Consultation with the workforce
iii. The exchange of design information between the Client, Principal Designer, Designers and Contractors on site
iv. Handling design changes on site
v. The selection and control of Sub Contractors
vi. The exchange of health & safety information between Contractors
vii. Security arrangements
viii. Site induction and onsite training
ix. Welfare facilities
x. First aid
xi. The reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents including near misses
xii. The production and approval of risk assessments and method statements
xiii. Site rules
xiv. Fire and emergency procedures
3. Arrangements For Controlling Significant Site Risks
a. Safety Risks
i. Delivery and removal of materials (including waste) and work equipment taking into account any risks to the public e.g. during access and egress from the site.
ii. Services including temporary electrical installations
iii. Preventing falls
iv. Work with or near fragile materials
v. Control of lifting operations
vi. Dealing with services – water, gas and electricity
vii. Maintenance of plant and equipment
viii. Poor ground conditions
ix. Traffic routes and segregation of vehicles and pedestrians
x. Storage of materials (particularly hazardous materials) and work equipment
xi. Dealing with unstable structures
xii. Accommodating adjacent land use
xiii. Other significant safety risks
b. Health Risks
i. Procedure for the discovery of Asbestos
ii. The removal of Asbestos
iii. Dealing with contaminated land
iv. Manual handling
v. Use of hazardous substances
vi. Reducing noise and vibration
vii. Other significant health risks
4. The Health and Safety File
a. Layout and format
b. Arrangements for collection of information
c. Storage of information
Need Help?
If you need support and assistance in compiling your CDM Construction Phase Plan, or simply cannot afford the time to put a plan together, then please contact one of our CDM Consultants today to talk through your project. Call Marpal on 01332 668877 or email us at [email protected].