First Aid Requirements On A Construction Site
Those working on construction sites face many significant hazards and the likelihood of accidents occurring are significantly more likely, than say, compared to an office environment. It is therefore imperative that should accidents occur, that first aid is given to someone who is injured (or fallen ill), as soon as possible, while waiting for full medical treatment. Having suitable and sufficient arrangements in place can save lives and may prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.
As Principal Contractor, or Contractor planning for construction work, you will be required to provide adequate and appropriate, first aid equipment, facilities and First Aiders on site. This is a legal requirement under The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, which requires construction sites to have: –
• a First Aid Box with enough equipment to cope with the number of workers on site
• an Appointed Person to take charge of first-aid arrangements
• information telling the work force of the name of the Appointed Person or First Aider(s) and where to find them; displaying notices, particularly in the site welfare facilities is a good way of doing this
To ascertain the extent and level of First Aid provisions required on your project, you’ll need to undertake a First Aid Needs Assessment. Once an assessment of first aid needs has been carried out you can then decide on the number of First Aiders and/or Appointed Person(s).
What Is An Appointed Person?
An Appointed Person (AP) is someone chosen to take charge of first aid arrangements. The AP looks after the first aid equipment and facilities, will take charge in the event of an accident and will contact the emergency services when required to do so; Appointed Persons though are not First Aiders.
What Is A First Aider?
An emergency First Aider is someone who provides immediate, lifesaving medical care before the arrival of the Emergency Services. A First Aider must hold a valid certificate of competence in either First Aid at Work (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) issued by a HSE approved training organisation.
How Many First Aiders Do I Need?
There are no specific rules as to the number of Appointed Persons or First Aiders that are required, however, the HSE suggest that, in a higher-hazard environment such as construction, that the following guidelines should be considered: –
As a Principal Contractor, or Contractor, you should include details of your first aid arrangements within the Construction Phase Plan. Whatever suitable arrangements are made, you should display notices to inform workers on site as to who the First Aider/Appointed Person is, where they are, and the location of the first aid box.
Do you need construction health and safety advice or assistance? Contact our Health & Safety Consultants today on 01332 668877 or email us at [email protected].