Our Head of Fire Risk, Adrian Gouldin Bsc (Hons) MRICS GIFireE and our Senior Fire Risk Assessor/Consultant Grant Barker MIFSM GIFireE will be speaking about Fire Evacuation Strategies in Care Homes at NASHiCS National Health and Safety Conference for Social Care 2017 which will be held at the Hellidon Lakes Golf and Spa Q-Hotel, Northamptonshire on the 12th and 13th September 2017.
The evacuation of residents from Care Homes is often difficult and complex as the accommodation and care provided is usually for vulnerable groups of society. Such groups may include those who may have mental health issues, physical mobility problems, hearing or sight impairment and will therefore be more difficult to evacuate than able bodied people of sound mind. Couple these complexities with the fact that residents should be evacuated from the fire source compartment to a place of relative safety within 2 ½ minutes of the alarm being raised, and the issue becomes even more significant and difficult to plan for.
It is therefore vital that a robust documented evacuation plan is available within each Care Home and that all Staff members are familiar with it. As well as detailing the legislation that governs the evacuation of Care Homes, Marpal will also be undertaking a live worked example of how to compile a suitable and sufficient evacuation plan.
There will also be a chance for you to speak with Grant and Adrian either before or after the workshops and throughout the two days where we will be more than happy to show you how we help other Care Homes and Groups identify and manage their fire safety responsibilities.
For further information on the NASHiCS event, or to discuss your fire safety requirements, please call Adrian Gouldin Bsc (Hons) MRICS GIFireE on 01332 668877 or email [email protected].